
Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh my gadd!! is it true? ohhh

Shalom. morning!
whatz up? ??
eii.. today im talking about my  personal thing.. hehe *malu la sikit :) upss!! gk usah malu kali, ini bukan  buka rahsia*emang aku punya rahsia??  atau hal hal yang memalukan, ini just cerita cerita matii! but not really la! if you know a little about me, you can get clue how am in, yang jelas im not famous blogger, just average blogger yang addicated tingkat dewa matahari!! oh really?? yess!

do  you know since when im terjatuh cinta dengan blog? sejak 2008.. udah lamakan? tapi as u can see here, my blog is nothing!! pokk..pokk.. poor Susan! im mean, i was lama at blogging world but im still not famous! hahaa.. its ok la, im blogging not for  famous, im blogging just because i like, i love! naa, its i call hobby!! waa.. keren deh hobby nya ngeblog, kalo hobby ku gosipin orang gimana?? confirm udah terfamous jadi Ratu Gosip! but gossiping its not good thing, kan? kann??

ok..  these is happened when im on blog!

1. being stalker.. keliling keliling simpang tiga, simpang empat sampe jalan buntu just for looking idea, because something i lost my idea,, at home i have a bunch of idea, but after im arrived at office and login on my blog account suddenly its gone! oh my goshh!! knockk..knockk... hii where is my idea?? who stole them?? naa, its yang make be had to being stalker!! *but im good stalker yaa! after im read im drop comment!

2. Being robot! i can sitting  berjam jam tanpa move on my ass on my kursi * kursi kerja ku keren men ada rodanya jadi bisa jalan sendiri! hahahahaaa!! gubrakkkk!! *dont ambil hati about my words ya! its really katrok 

yaa.. thats about me, lets say that Facta About Susan Lolo Bua!!
oea.. yesterday im chat with my friend and he praise my blog, he said that my blog is awesome! ouu.... terharu!! thank you.. its really make my semangat menjadi jadi to NEVER stop blogging!
ok... so, what do u think about my blog??
comment la sikit!!


  1. Blognya Bagus,, tapi aku Gak bisa bhs Ingriss

    mohon kunjunganx balikny yaa Sobat.

