
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Heii.. My Resolution here!

hi peeps. how is life? good ya. me too. good just super tired since yesterday Sunday I had to work on my off day.
today is the last day being on 2012. time flies, right? yes, it is. when I get flash back I thought I loss many things, many plan I had made didn’t happened and many things want to buy cannot buy.
so, from here I learning stop make so much  planning, because the good one something happened upland #tweet spontaneous gitchuu
so, my  2013 resolution are… before i typing down my resolution I want to inform that I did not make big resolution, no angan angan yang besar, no perubahan yang besar and no mengada ngada. kalo aku buat resolusi yang terlalu ngewouu gituchu aku takut gk kecapai..
since  I know kemampuan diri sendiri. saya tau ada hal yang impossible to me to do it and mana hal yang bisa ku lakukan.
ini lah resolusi ku :

2013. My relationship with God more closer.
 the most thing I rindukan it is. hubungan saya dengan Tuhan yang suam suam kuku.
saya mau hubungan saya dengan Tuhan lebih dekat,. ya Puji Tuhan saya udah bisa bangun subuh untuk berdoa walaupun hanya sebentar, is a beginning. and I do it not every morning just kalo aku sadar. is so hard to wake up on subuh. but I try.
2013. On time.
 aku adalah orang yang paling kareet. jam kerja mulai jam 8 pagi, tapi aku  baru  berangkat dari rumah jam 8 kadang malah lewat 10 menit. malu aku ma diri sendiri, cannot faster. yea la I’m a slow girl. lambat :(
2013. Saving Money La
I hope 2013 I could save money at CU. because if you save money at CU you can borrow from them and make capital to start bossiness. and also this for my future.

2013. Help My Parents More.
not help to make them in trouble LOL. I want help them in economic side.
at least beras satu karung every month, believe or not I have been working for 3 years  and I only ever bought rice for my family once! sedih lho  belum bisa membantu orangtua sampai maksimal.

that’s all I guess. eh many more la, tapi itulah hal hal yang paling aku mau ubah. jangan remehkan ya, itu keliatan gampang tapi ntar giliran melakukan susah juga..dan disinilah usaha harus lebih lagi. ciayoooo….oooo! Malaysia Boleh! Susan Boleh!!
why not wishing could buy new motorcycle? cuz I know I cannot.
2012 good bye hun. 2013 welcome sayang.
And to all my family, friends yang jauh nun disana I wishing your happy new year. God bless!

 my mommy busy reply Christmas Wishing from family & friends :) 

 thank you for reading. membaca jembatan ilmu lho :)
God bless you…



  1. siip, resolusi positif yang indah. saya ikut berdoa moga2 resolusinya sukses.

  2. Heh..

    Great to hear that you got a good vision and mission for the new year.

    As for me, in 2012 i have bought a house, and visit Australia.

    In 2013, i planned to buy a car, and.. i dont know.. I got Himalayas, London, or even the States on the list.

    in 2014, maybe i will settle down and get married.

    So.. yeah.. thats my plan la.. hoping the best for you..


  3. @zachflazz Terima kasih :)

    @Aziri : great la Mejah. if you working hard and pray hard God will help u. Thank you :)

  4. tongan mo, patarrui

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