im coming again… kayanya judul posting ku yang
cocoknya dikasih *gk nyambung
lol :D

yee, I asking I answer… aku yang nanya aku yang jawab. ok, ni pertanyaan pertanyaan yang sering aku dapat bahkan ada yng belum pernah aku dapat, tapi aku list. jadi lets kita read read

I have answer for this question....*there is some question that I cant anwer.
Susan Or San : San.
Texting or Phone : Texting
Hang Out Or Stay At Home : Stay at home,.
Chating or update Status : Chatting
Indonesian or English : Both.
Malaysia Or Indonesian : Malindo J
Pink Or White : Pink
Dating Or Be BEstFriend : Best Friend.
Blogger Or Multiply : I have account on both, but blogger the most J
vDo you ever meet *strange* people on facebook? : yes!
Mineral Water Or Juice : Mineral water, because everyday I drink it.
Long Hair Or Short : Long, Like my hair before I cut, I mean when im on Vocational High School.
Simpati Or As : AS, just let you know, I never change my number since I bought it on 2006.
Skirt Or Jeans : Skirt, I just wear jeans when I had to…
Do you ever blocked people on your facebook? : Yses, i do. for the reason, i wont tell u *secret
Who The most people you want to see right now : Aaron Aziz as Seth Tan In drama Nora Elena.
Who Inspired you : Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza. Hilarry Clinton. Kate Middleton. Megawati Soekarno Puteri ( My Ex President )
The first word you say if you chat with someone is : depends with who am make conversation, if with older I give greeting basic the time, if with my friend just say *hi…
Friendster Or My Space : The first social network I just is Friendster, yes. I have account on Myspace, but im rare update it, and im not at Friendster too.
Who is the prettiest woman you ever see on their wedding day : The Duchess Of Cambridge Catherine Middleton.
Who the most important people you hate : hehee.. I never hate someone, I just don’t like the way they are. I hate Terrorist at Indonesia who try to destroy my lovely country Indonesia. And Corruptor, I hope there is a day where all the corrupter sleep and running their all day in prison, and no special service at all.
Twitter Or Facebook : Gossh!! You killed my slowly if u want I to choice one of them, I mean I can live without tweeting and facebooking. On twitter I can say hello to my favorite actress, and on facebook I can meet my family, my friend who I never see for 10 years J

Then, ni season ,I cant answer these below question

im kinda use got this question when im chatting on facebook.
San, can i got your phone number? * dapat pertanyaan gini, harus pinter pinter kasih jawaban, that i wont give anyone my numb. tapi adalah beberapa yang ku kasih, mungkin udah 5 orang,.
Sa, where do you live? * this person stupid or what si? udah ada jelas jelas di Info ku, masih ada nanya...
lagi Online, trus diajak chating dan di tanya, San lagi ngapaen? pretttttttt..... cuekin aja, malas aku jawabnya.
San, when you married? * go ask Him
San, already lunch? aww sa switt. how caring you are.
so what, u still have question for me? :) i think anough laa, but lau masih ada u can ask me on facebook.
ok.. postingan untuk hari ini berakhir, dan kita akan bertemu kembali. see u...
Be blessing
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