
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Helloo Readers!


header kita baru la :)
gerak gerak, and ya it's my first time using animated gif as header.
gk cantik cantik amat si, cuman senang aja bisa buat sendiri.

dua tiga hari  on my previous week am so busy, banyak hal yang aku buat, aku kerja juga kan, jadi gak punya waktu 24 jam depan PC,  mau si update blog trus tapi kesibukan kadang  menghambat, trus aku bisanya online dijam kantor aja jam 08"00-16:30 lebih dari itu no, why? cus i have no pc/laptop at home.. but syukurla kan gk punya pc/lappy tapi bisa merasakan asyiknya dunia internet, that's why aku memang manfaatkan baik2 kalo depan komputer hehee...

 aku juga ad buat blog, buat travelling. na siapa ni suka traveling? dengan harga murah..
kalo kalian minat bisa langsung ke blog Travel Agency Spirit. harganya murah lho.. ada paket tour ke 3 negara, Indonesia, SIngapore & Malaysia. Ada Paket Umroh juga.

disitu kalian bisa langsung kirim email, maybe ada yang anda kurang mengerti so, simply klik tab Hubungi Kami dan isilah kotak tersebut.

semoga bisa membantu.

and my first pastel dress… at least I have one :)

my sister took my picture  when we headed  to church..

will update more story next week!
have a bless day!


  1. jauhnya di tarakan. ane dlu smpet tggl d balikpapan komen bck y

  2. Bagus bisnis Travel Agency nya Susan. boleh dipromosikan nih...

  3. love that are a blessed lady!hehhe...

    ow, mm, ini reply buat questions kamu nih ( senang lho aku dpt question gitu..)hehe...

    1. married to Westerner? mmh, it depends on the couple, do they want to work it out or not, for me sih, it is not that difficult, cos i grew up pretty much abroad..jadinya mgkn uda ga culture shock lagi, kadang sih, kudu ngasih tahu culturenya kita gimana sebagai Asia..toh ada batas2 yang dia kudu respect..thing is, i found out that it sooo much easier to have conversation with foreigners, karena mereka open minded banget...problemnya, di diriku, mngkin aku terlalu westernize kalo ama cowok Asian, i am too open minded nih orgnya..jadinya susah kalo ama org asia ...mesti di judge ga beres gitu..haha..itu problem ku sih..and my hubby is pretty much respect abis. and he loves Asian.haha...jadinya kita asik2 aja..

    2. aku ga tinggi2 amat lho...160cm doang, tambah heels bisa 168-170 tergantung

    thanks for asking!

    God bless!


  4. thank you for this information to your visitor From Bad Day

  5. cuteee ;)

    do you want to follow each other?
    visit my blog ^^

  6. aw, your dress is pretty.
    look very nice on you.
    bikin ootd entry aja :).

  7. @ncy thank u Kk Nancy for answering my question, :) u are so nice.

    @Kai : OOTD? ya, good idea, next time will make post obout OOTD.

    @ Blogegr Cool : makasi udah mampir, saya baca lho komen2 nya.

    God bless uda

