Gambar 3 taun yang lalu, eh i have no newest picture.
Shalom.Today i'm officially 22 years old!
like Ps. Joel Osteen said @twitter :
You may be going through a difficult time, but God will bring you out stronger and better than before!
in my life, i could say, i'm nothing, and useless without God, all thing i have right now, and who am i now, it's because God's grace, He have amazing love. and he consider me as His beloved daughter, He He has crowned me with glory and honor. *JoelOsteen! thank you God.
and to my to my Mother And Daddy, thank you very much, everyday i try to do good thing that make you happy and blessed for have me.
i promise i wouldn't broke your heart, and i will try my best to make your hari tua cerah and senang.. hehee... i want my life be grace for you to enjoy! ok :)
To my sisters yang super menjengkelkan, sometime i ask my self, why i have sister like you all, but i'm learning to accepted you both as you are, and say *thank you God i have super odd sisters :)
alahaai.. my nickname @friendster, bukti alay! dewhh! geli auu
Today i declare that my life will be brighter everyday,
today I declare that i will receive all the God promises,.
i know, everyday as i'm growing up, there will be more obstacle ready meet me, and maybe they can beat me, can make me down, and i have to prepare my self for them *hello there, can't wait to meet and beat u! hehee *pasang muka pemberani ::)
i also want to learning how to accept segala sesuatu dengan lapang dada, instead of asking and meraung raung mengeluh *biar wrinkle wrinkle gk muncul :)
lebih banyak bersabar, menahan marah, kurang membanding bandingkan diri with other *keluar belang kann :) and be confident, yes! percaya diri tahap 100%.
oh yaa! Dear God, i want aku mampu beli the things that is crush at market :) :)
itu lho sepatu kemarin..
aku juga mau agar kepandaian memasak meningkat, since i have bought Microwave last month, kan sayang kalo aku gk bisa masak tu.. and last, i want be SUPERWOMAN. SUPERWOMAN?!
heii Superwoman! heii Superwoman!!
naa, my story become ngawur.. jadinya pinky white :)
last words :
thank you God!
** cake picture coming soon :)

blog yang menarik, , ,follow saya semula ya :)
ReplyDeleteselamat ulang tahun ya kak :)
ReplyDeleteternyata kakak cantik juga hehee,
wish all d'best ya kak,
Tuhan Yesus Memberkati, amin :)
happy bezday to you :)
ReplyDeleteselamat ultah kakak :) smga sehat sllu :D
ReplyDeleteSelamat ulang tahun kak^^
ReplyDeleteMy first comment at
!...I Have Pretty Heart!...
Hai, ada yang mau ikut lomba blog bertemakan komedi? Kalo mau cek yah! Hadiahnya buku radityadika yang bertanda tangan dia lhooo :)
ReplyDelete@ All : thank you all :)
ReplyDelete@David : Makasi dek, Tuhan Yesus memberkati juga :)
Selamat Ulang Tahun Ya Sist. Semoga apa yang dicita-citakan kelak akan terwujud.
ReplyDeleteSemoga sesantiasa berada didalam perlindungan Tuhan :)
Salam Ulang Tahun, Susan.
ReplyDeleteMoga Tuhan berikan yg terbaik utk anda.
U need some presents?
Lots of love and respect,
Aziri Pauzi.
ReplyDeletesalam super sahabat,
tetap semangat dan sukses selalu ya
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya :)
ReplyDeletesalam super sahabat,
tetap semangat dan sukses selalu ya
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya :)
happy befday girl =)
ReplyDeletefolow u
unyu banget poto nya,
yuk baca artikel sisini juga
@Aziri Pauzi Thank you very much Aziri :)
ReplyDeleteSemuanya makasi yaa.. :)