
Friday, March 2, 2012

Hater & Not Be Liked!

Hii.. did you ever feel like you want escape from this world?  you wish if you could terbang or ditelan ma bumi gitu? did you? what say you... dunia yang kejam atau orang orangnya..
sometime i wonder, i never kacau orang but why people keep kacau me.. mereka gk punya perasaan   apa?
atau punya perasaan tapi perasaan like a animal wild! rawww...
kalo mau digituin juga beda nya ma mereka apa? nothing! mereka buat jahat, trus aku balas juga, yaa aku juga penjahat, tapi kalo diam... they become besar kepala and gk tau diri.. #kayak gorila
and one more, hater! i didn't  know whether i have hater or i'm such a girl not be liked! ;( huhu..sedih hati!
but i sure, my hater hate me cuz they can't be awesome blogger like me, ekekeke  or be like me #ketawa bebek
and maybe i'm not be liked cuz i'm... #naa, i dont know what the reason i'm not be liked, tell me..please!
think...think ...sedih juga kan hidup ni kalo ada yang benci! iss... ada yang janggal gitu.. hehehee.
but did you know, that being hater is the most hardest thing in this world,why? *asked my hater! plokk..plokkk! siapa hater saya? angkat tangan!!

A person hates you for 1 of 4 reasons. 
1) They want to be you. 
2) They hate themselves. 
3) They see you as a threat.
4) She stole your love but fail take his heart!
itu Mr. Google yang bilang... and i approve with Him!
ok... Da..daa...
Makasih udah baca! God bless  


  1. People kacau you because they want to have your attention.

    Be cool about it.

    Dead agree with the "HATER" photo up there.


  2. kunjungan sob .
    salam sukses selalu ..:)

  3. kehidupan dunia memang demikian..orang baik sebagai tempat berbagi rahmat kepada sesama, dan orang yang tidak baik sebagai ujian kesabaran dalam hidup :)

  4. kamu dapat tag lagi! check yaa ) trims.

