
Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Good morning from Container Basecontrol, Pit Seruyung, karena kalo update blog  di office udah terlalu mainstream, hehe..

what exactly they want ya? As human being we only have 24 hours a day, if we manage it good, ok its enough, but  sometime im heard  people said for them 24 hours a day to earning life doesn’t enough,and what make me terheran heran is some people have so much time to mind other business, ihhhh anehh!

If me, selagi tak kacau hidup kita, pekerjaan kita, family kita, and love even pacar pun you have to fight lho.. hahah

Ok la,  please stop  mind other business, jangan biasakan diri mengurusi hidup orang lain, mungkin hanya candaan mu, mainann mu,  bahkan hiburanmu tapi efek ke orang itu apa? Pikirkanlah baik baik. one thing that u cannot  kidding about is nasi periuk orang,

kamu tidak akan pernah tau beban yang dipikul, tidak tahu berapa relatives yang mengharapkannya.
if you want to kidding, u can kidding with other stuff, like make up, dress, food, and etc, not nasi periuk orang! take a note ya!!   

Some people diam, they are not silent, they are just realize  bukan siapa siapa untuk speak up, and u busy body, bisakan 24 hours that u have please don’t spend it even 1 minutes to kacau hidup orang. Life must being blessing not a  disease for other!

rupa rupa manusia! herannnn.

thank you for reading my blog!

God bless you   

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