Apa kabar semuanya? Baik baik
Saya pun baik baik. Puji Tuhan hidup semakin membaik, dan semakin
matang.. dan semakin menua ^^
Fyi, tomorrow I will be on field break, makan tidur la kerja saya tu
kalo di rumah. But no, I had big mission, I would like to train my self be
disiplin dalam semua hal, manage waktu, pemilihan makanan yang sehat, and
sport.. hehe and of course, bermain dengan mixer, microwave, baking and
cooking.. hihii
Cant wait lho being home. Cooking,
clean up home, laundry, watching, having big laughter with my family, ahhh I miss
that moment badly.
love taking photo, whatever on my depan mata if i think i should took
it, i will.. and too often i heard people around me call me gila foto,
narsis,.. but thats ok, they dont know im blogger, they dont know if i
need new photo to post on my blog, every photo i took has it story
kaya gini..
Mba Nur, Me and Ros.. this photo taken on Environment Day,
Me, Mbak Nur, and Pujita.
be happy, you dont need everyone to be your friend, and no need force
someone to be part of their life. just be with who truly love you and
want accepted you the way you are.. and the most important is help you
be better person.
poto lama, ibadah Paskah Jemaat Oikumene Seruyung..
selesai hitunga pundi pundi, langsung rebutan kotakan :D
Me and Engke, i can say Spartacus mess is the most beautiful mess in Seruyung...
his face when he told me just.. i dont know to describe it..
he know im love all about Korean, few days before he leave home, back to site, he BBM me and said, yank i had bought u baju korea, on my mind is... dress..
ok, but he bought me Blazer, i love it.. and the color is my fav color. thank you Oppa,,
he also bought me Silver Queen a box.. haha..
i need a month to finished it. i had keep it one on my cupboard, will bring it go to Tarakan.. gk tega habisinnya.. and the Hello Kitty, i told him.. oppa, im not into Hello Kitty, he said protes mulu.. hehee
kursum Oppa..
ole2 Pak Kodrat.
ole ole Pak Maruli
ole ole Pak Deny,
ole ole Pak Hotdin. Roti O ..
me and Hasra, my team work.. he is black lho.. haha
Alohaa From Seruyung!
Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus untuk
semua karya Mu dalam hidupku, terima
kasih untuk kasih setia Mu yang tak ada habisnya menyertai kehidupan ku.
oia, i had change my email address,
if you have something to asked, dont be hesitate contact me here :
God bless this place.
Pt. S*go Prima Pratama.
Thank you for reading.
Much Love

Salam sukes selalu. Photonya hepy tenan !