
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thank you...

Alohaaa!! selamat soreee!!  how are u peeps? hope ok la kan, like me ok and today im so so happy, yeaa right, im happy everyday, even sometime feel sad juga si, tapi I take to cover with smile and go happy!
weel, what story today? uhh... story today is tadi pagi dapat pesan di facebook… lumayan buat happy, but not really  laa, ternyata  ada yang spy my wall… wouuu…  she give me support to go blogging, even my blog ni is really bad!! bad!! jelekkkk!! but ok, im try to make it better …  naa, for u i say thank you la kann.... ni pesannya tadi :

iya . aku sukak lead blog kk . kk kant p.nah nyuruh aku coba buat blog . jadi aku punya kk.

she call me Kk because this girl is my junior on my Vocational high school.....  so, thank you for u support. 

hehee.. thats all my story!! heheee


  1. wah cantik juga nih blognya.,.,

    kunjungan gan ane.,..,

  2. foto-foto cewek2 disini cantik2...

    oia banner sudah saya pasang, silahkan dicek n follownya ada dibawah ndiri nenk...

