
Monday, October 13, 2014

hello 24th part 1

                                                               helooo 24th... great journey ahead!
Im turning to 24th   yesterday, hello 24th   be better than 23th yaa!
I know, the journey ahead will be full of blessing, amen!
 And also obstacle tapi thats life, wise people said the bigger struggle you facing the huge reward you get.

So, apapun yang akan terjadi kedepan nya one thing i put in my mind, life must go on!!
Keep going on!
Im thank you for all the blessing i got in my life, for the love i got from my family and my friends.
Kadang tu kan, dalam hidup.. i wanna curhat, can? ^^
Kadang dalam hidup tu saya mikir kerasssss.. orang kerja keras, tapi me pikir so hard, im too worry what tomorrow would bringing me, will i reach  my dream in my young age.. hehe. 24th   still young la, if talk about dream.. hahaa..
Will i afford to give my mommy and daddy better life on their old ages? Or will i married with someone those will love me sincerly and will my currently relationship will be lasting forever?, will my carrerr got improvement or will be like this forever... and.. blaa..blaaa  Hahaa.. think too much ok... and i admit sometime that matters steal my joy... but yesterday i letting all the negative habbit  bother me, i set on my mind, Enjoy every single moment in life, situasi seperti apapun tetap belajar mengucap syukur, dan berusaha be the best of me! Jalani hidup ini gak semudah ngomongan orang lain.. hahaa!

24th   harus lebih baik! harusss!
semua sifat yang negatif di buang dan bangun sifat positive,.
Me and my young sister lahir di tanggl dan bulan yang sama, she wishes me first,  she sent me blackberry messenger, and the last of her message is minta kado, and me answered her, wait ya, kena tunggu gaji :) i also sent my well wishes at her facebook time, and see how she reply my  comment :

 im laughing when i reading her comment, as kakak i did not told her to earning much money, the important is being good daughter and make both our parents proud, but earning money is also important ba kan.. hehee
dan satu hal yang penting adalah menjadi anak Tuhan yang baik, tidak melakukan hal hal yang berlawanan dengan firman Tuhan. berjalan dalam rencana dan pimpinan Tuhan,.

being kakak in your family is not easy, must set good example to your adik adik. sometime im just wondering if im already being good kakak to her.  tapi seperti udah jadi kakak yang baik.. :)

my meja kerja, kena make over tadi.. u see, banyak ayat ayat cinta di tempel, kutipan kutipan yang memotivasi :), padahal hal yang paling buat semangat kerja itu kalo pagii dapat BM/SMS dari kesayangan, walaupun pesannya cuman - pagi ksygan,, udah cuman 2 kata di singkat lagi! .. confirm happy all the day!

i will blog more about my 24th, who the first person wishes me, and what surprise i got.. :)

ok enough la, i had talking too much.. i want back to mess and sleeping. 

thank you for reading.
God bless..
Much love xoxo

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