
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Raining.. # U should know when...

Raining you should know what the right time to falling ;p!!
its raining, and make me sleepy make me miss my bedroom! imagine, I at home, lying on my bedroom, cover with blanket and listening music.. hahaaa. serasa yaa !
ini hujan is too much, it don’t know when time it should fall in this world, yak an? I wish there is someone can talk with rain, and asked them to only fall on the night, when all people sleep.. so, people don’t need to use Air Condition or Fan to make them cold ;p 

today just same like yesterday, raining all the day! when raining coming, this is happened to me :
I’m late wake up :p, padahal before im slept I was set my alarm, when it ringing and wake up me, I turn off my phone! and say *it too early for me to wake up, im go to work on 08 : 00 AM.

Im go work without apply any make up :) hehee… but still look ok la my face,, no bedak powder, lip gloss, mascara! moreover, im such a girl who don’t like use cosmetic too much! just be nature…

go to work with this word *time running faster ok! if you could fly, fly la yaa.. I want be home soon!! :) hehee… pulang aja kan di kepala otak ku!!

sometime, im think like this * Why in Tarakan city never fall snow, or someone change the rain turning to snow ;) if there is snow in Tarakan.. woowww... wearing long coat, scarf, and boot!! oh men! its cool! :p yaa.. cool like these  picture below ;p *i love share some picture in every entry i did!
keren uii :)

so lonely!!

cool men!! dancing in the snow!!   




  1. blogg walking gan visit y

  2. agree with ur statement, rain should fall only at the night. i wil ask the rain. hahahha

  3. gambarnya keren-keren...
    aku juga kepengen lihat salju...

    salam kenal ^_^

  4. terima kasih sudah jalan2 ke blogku :D

