
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome December

Shalom. Good day ya!

Alohaa December,, be nice with me, please! *orang putih kesasar di tarakan.
This is December  kan? Christmas just corner around, and how is your preparation for Christmas? already light up & decoration your home? 
I hope this December better than yesterday *previous month, and more  berkat coming to my personal life & my lovely family!!

when December coming,  my day is more happier, you know why? because in my kepala otak Pohon Natal* my current Christmas tree is small, and I would like to buy the big one , Kue Natal,*my hand made  Baju Natal *kalo ada…
and listening Christmas song everyday, at home, office!  this is perfect day, isn’t it? :p
*im typing this entry while done my monthly report! : ) that’s why I cant psoting panjang panjang, padahal I have a lot cerita mau telling u all!
ok, I should end my entry today before my boss come!!
ok.. da.. daaa…
have a bless month!


  1. i juga tak sabar la christmast, coz the decoration is awesome

  2. waah keren icon nya.
    selamat menjelang bulan desember ya

  3. libur tlah tiba..libur tlah tiba..horay..horay...horay..horaaayyyy...


    Stylish Generation

  4. @Pink Diary yes.. selain tu byak juga kuih kan... :)

    @Blogshow iyaa.. makasi :)

    @ Tia ; horayyy.. horayyy :)

