
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kenapa Mau Mamer??

Shalom. good day!
do u like gossiping? talking behind people? if you do, lets read my entry today, because I have a gossip! it hot gossip. *but it not talking bad behind people ya! its true story! no mengada ngada!

last night, I was texting with my friend, he is my classmate on Vocational High Scholl, and u know what we talking about?? dia mamer pacarnya tauu.. dia bilang, aku mau lamar dia San, ohmygoshh!! jantung ku sparauh mau copot, salut dahh!! masih muda kok mikirnya nikahh!! heran deh!! upss keceplosan !

ok fine la, if dah ready to married kan, but don’t he think he is too young to being father??  for me, better now think about future, if woek, ya kerja lah, if study study la betul2.. biar nanti gk ada penyesalan..ededede kok aku jadinya ceramah yaa!! ah whatever! my blog kan, so suka suka mau bilang apa.. kalo ada yang tersinggung I don’t care! *who asked you to being sensi ;P

back to topic.. when he start show off his girlfriend im ambil kesempatan kasih batu api diaa… and see how his reaction!

I asked him, cinta gk si ma pacarnya??

his answer…. chayangggg banget! aku rencana mau lamar dia kalo aku keluar dari tmpat kerja,, oh myyy!! such a gentle guy!! cloppp..clopppp!! tepuk tangann!!

uhh,,, why mau mamer? what to do with me? nothing kann.! im heran la anak muda skarang *aku juga  orang muda tapi aku bukan tergolong orang2 yang kayak gini! 
pacaran aja mamer... hadehh!! cape dehh!! belum lagi, yang sok2... sok hebatt!! eii may be you dont believe me, if i said i ada teman yang pernah sms dia bilang * saya udah GheUyh ma pacar ku!! What the fish!! mau bilang cowok hebat?? uhhh.... poor your girl!
hahaa.. heran! *usap usap jidat yang gedek !

if you text me and said San, now im date with HUEHBSHG! i will reply your text and said! What the hell !! its not my own business! 


  1. Wahhh,,, Ada translatex gak sihhh,,,

  2. Hehe ceritaa yang unik,, salut dah untuk susan :D
    bakat nih jadi jurnalis atau seorang penulis ^_^ kunjungan balik yah :P

  3. @ all : hohoho... thank for droping here :)

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