
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Millions Thank

 Spamming you with my current photo..pisssss !
hello everyone.. !i have ever give you my words, if I receive my prize from Closet Voyage & FIrmoo, Stlish By Nature, & Hot And Fun Stuff  lets say dari Luar Negeri, I will make blog post about them, and now ya I will.. Puji Tuhan, now all my prizes is my hand…
its take a month for them to arrived on my city, such a long time,
itupun aku yang nyuruh my sister to go to office Post, to check whether my prize already here *Tarakan or still on the way..
waa.. satu karungg!! :) yepp..ini  dari Australia, USA, China.

first day she go, the Staff told her, *Yes, Susan paket udah ada, tapi ini belum lunas bea cukainya, jadi ntar saya kabari ya, tulis no hp kamu sini! arrgg, why don’t he tell my sister how much I have to pay, ini asked us to wait.. I hate waiting ok!! so, I force my sister, she such a lazy girl, so I need to pom..pommm her to go again,  and yes she want…  my sister is lazy but she smart enough to handle something, she go and meet the Petugas pos, trus disuruh bayar bea cukainya, Rp.7000 murahh, ya cheap but total paket aku ada 7, na kali tu 7000 x 7=49.000, hilang gaji sehari! soob..sobb.
hehee… kidding la, but honestly memang  berat hati mengeluarkan uang segitu..huhu.. :(
but okla, udah dapat hadiah mesti la hati happy, yaa am happy, happily jumping2 dikamar :D :D sampe patang tulang2..hahaha #joke
 ok, these all my prize, sorry, I just use handphone, so quality low… I need camera pocket, who wanna sponsor me?? #contact me soon! I really mean it!
check it outtttt!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg Gets Married

Congratulation, wishing you very happy & blessed family.

Credit to : Pricilla's Page

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sorry! Bukan Maksud Menolak

Greyson Chance bilang   :
You're so afraid of taking chances,
How you gonna reach the top?
 and his song for me, hahaa.. how come i say that? i will telling you my story, and it doesn't mean i tolak rejeki yang coming into me, so guys baca my entry, please don't close my blog tab before you finish read.
ok, kemarin lagi kerja bertatapan dengan Miss Excel, and my smartphone * i called it smartphone cuz  i dream a smartphone ringing, my beauty friend calling & text me, aku gk jawab cuz my smartphone rusak, speaker gk bisa dengar suara... but if listening music boleh #heran, so i borrowed my office mate's phone and i call her..

Me : Hallo..Berty ni aku Susan...
Berty : haloo... iya say, eh mau ka kerja ditempatku?
Me : shining eyes kembang kuping, mau..mau... this is i wait for age, i want new job 

ok.. i asked she to telling me secara detail the job she offered me, ok i got! nice job, basic on her explanation i dont work @fiel you know kalo diperusahaan itu kerja dilapangan sedikit berat, aku maunya kerja diruangan, bukan niat memilih milih tapi yaa that's me! #i dont know how to say..
trus aku ngasih tau dia, ntar aku kabari kalo aku udah pikirkan, ok selesai!

beberapa menit/jam kemudian, my friend texting me, he is Ronal, Ronal sms aku, nawari kerja juga, eh dia bukan boss la, tapi dia ditawarin kerja juga ma bossnya, tapi skarang dia juga kerja ya same with me, berhubung gajinya lebih besar dari kerjaan baru yang ditawarin ke dia, dia ngasih tau aku... dia bilang mau gk kerjaan baru... aku jawab, mau dong #benafsu
dia malah ketawain aku pas aku bilang gaji ku sekian Rp. 21054015752146845251357, hahahwakakweakakak, kumpau kalo aku bilang, trus dia bilang gaji yang kerjaan dia tawarin aku itu Rp.2.500.000 waaa...gaji manager tu Nal!! aku teriak di hp!!
sumpah gajinya memang besar aku kerja di tempat ku beberapa bulan tu,.. tapi aku bilang juga iya ntar aku pikirkan.
after home, i discussed with my mama, but my mama show DISAGREE  face..ok i got her mean, mama belum dukung mau pindah kerjaan baru, biar  gaji tinggi, mungkin next time laa...
why i try find new job? maybe you want to know what the reason. i have no reason ok, i dont have such i dont like my current job, just i want find new job for try my lucky have high salary, ya you know i have big responsibility as a daughter i help my parents,..
i do hope one day i will got my dream job!
for now, aku bersyukur banget bisa dapat pekerjaan ini, aku kerjanya Admin Pembelian di Perusahaan cold storage, sering2 lho makan udang..
ok..i tunggu next opportunity come and knock knock me! 
come and say *Susan please dont let me go!
And now time to say thank for reading.
Many blessing.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Waktu Ku Kecil

Alohaaa! peeps, last night my sister was open all our old album in buffet, and i asked her, *What are you looking for? with  galau face, she answered me, i'm looking for my childhood picture, i mean my poto jadul.. gaddd! what kind of virus attack her mind yaa? normally, dia anti mau ngeliat poto jadul with excuses old picture is embarrassing... .
and she also show me her senior profil picture on facebook, she take her lappy and show me *ehh look my senior, lagi keren ni pake poto jadul" ohh..gitu ceritanya.. she want use her old picture as PP on her account facebook, no wonder sibuk nyari poto2 jadulnya, but too bad, she did not found one, ada si, tapi gk sesuai dengan seleranya..., siann dehh , cuz when she was small, she was feminine, but now she  become someone else, she turn to tomboy **FAKTOR APA?? #don'taskme 
than i asked her permission to use her lappy #poor me, i have no lappy, everytime i want use it, i have to asking her permissioon.. huhuhu

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cominica Circle Lens Giveaway

today i entered another giveaway from pretty blogger, Miss Cominica. the prize is contact lenses. i never had one, so here i try my lucky... if ada rejeki to own it, yaa i will win, tapi kalo not my rejeki, ya udah no option selain try next time :)

Dia cantik kan?? 

ok.. thank for reading. Many blessing.