
Monday, October 26, 2015

Promise, every monday...


So, promise ya every Monday I’ll updating my blog, ada atau gk adanya cerita cerita, pokok eh update blog. And then share the link in my facebook account, after that got comment, waa still active blogging leh? Hahaa…

I have been blogger since 2008, and if I want to stop now, uhhhhh *i'll never stop lho!

so, Natal udah mulai ya.. suasana Natal gitchuu..
like me la kan, every year i think im the most excited girl in this world to welcoming December, and guess what im done?
me already set my computer  wallpaper use Rudolf and Snow, hehe

and Puji Tuhan, this year still kena bagi tugas kepercayaan untuk menjadi sebagian dalam ladang Tuhan, previous year saya Bendahara, and this year saya Sekretaris, Sekretaris tidak aktif,  hahahaa.. im laughing when someone told me about  this, tuingg! 
tapi kan itu kemarin bulan Okt, and now Now, im activate la! im trying to give the best, ok.. and support me la, im still anak yang kemerah merahan dalam hal ini, you got my mean? yes, good then..

beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya juga diberi kepercayaan untuk mendesain undangan Natal Gereja, na itulah yang saya gunakan untuk tahun ini, not creative oh kan?
im still searching for new idea, cuz the time doesnt enough so saya copy aja yang udah pernah ada, and here the proposal i create, the cover only, isinya Copy Paste, hhe.. hee.. he

for some reason, very sorry, cannot display the PT's name, enough Jres kan? any clue, where im working? ehhh

 and here, in the end of my working time, sempatkan diri buat projek, 
when i was student i really want having lappy, but not lucky enough, only flashdisk im afford to buy, and today im working, im blessed, having  PC and Lappy, but that not mine, pinjammm :D :D

still many thing to prepared, for now musician udah start  rehearsal, dana udah sebagian ada, dan bantu dalam doa agar semuanya berjalan dengan baik, dan semua team panitia diberikan kesehatan yang baik, kebijaksanaan dalam mengatur segala sesuatu, kedamaian dan kerendahan hati dalam mengatur dan membuat segalanya sesuai rencana, cuz this is a big event, we can say so kan? sure, akan banyak hal2 yang eh.. ehh.. *dont know how to say that.

will give you more update, 
enough ya for tonight.
Have a nice dream everyone.


Tuhan Yesus menyertai kita semua..
salam kasih,


Monday, October 12, 2015

Alohaaa 25, Terima Kasih Tuhan.

Seriously, so far this is the most killing thing oppa done, huaa . he give me surprise, when i was sit on front my door waiting him to having dinner together, i saw he come with My adik, Mbak Nur, bringing the cake and balon, my reaction, oh my gawwwd!! seriously, oppa this is you? and im pun terharu air mata mengalirr.. degupan jantung kecangggggg!! im a blessed happy  girl in this world! thank you Oppa, thank you... i love you,

To those help My oppa arrange the mission impossible, terima kasih ya!


Im turning into 25th years old today, alohaaa 25th,  great journey ahead ya, promise me no matter how hard life is never give up to reach our dream.
Jesus Christ has prepared big plan for us.
and our duty is how to reach it, how to make it happend, how to bring the budget into actual, haha bahasa Engineering. 

Firstly, Thank you God for all the amazing thing you done in my life, thank you My Lord!

This year my mommy haven’t wish me, maybe she forget.. hehe
i trying to call her, but sinyal damn! 

And daddy, he never wish me happy birthday my anak, maybe he never remember the date im born, hahaha

Thank you Oppa for the well wishes for m e,

2 hours before im turning into 25th, he said to me “tuanya kamu yank, dah 25 taun, my reaction my gawdd!

And im laughing, no oppa im still young.. hehee

I love you Oppa, thank you for being a part of my life,

love me more leh, akakakkk...
dakmu sengke na ke malas malas na :D :D
Birthday wishes from my oppa, he sent me early, the reason was, in my mess only wifi available , and at his mess only sinyal telkom available, so he said to me i would like to wish you early, he already wish me after we back from church, but as girl, i also want he be the first to wish me, hehe but i didnt told him about this,.
i didnt except anything, i just want he wish me first, but see he do more than i expect. this is the real kebahagiaan, tidak mengarapkan dan mendapatkan. terima kasih Oppa,
makin sayang ya.. muee... heee
Romantisnya ba si oppa :D

Thank you my adik, for the well wishes dan ayat Firman Tuhannya ya,

Im wish you Happy birthday as well, yes, me and my adik bungsu born on same date, 12 Oct, me on 1990 and she 1992.

                                                       My adik, happy birthday.
Setia melayani Tuhan, kerja smart dan rajin, hargai orang lain, hormati orang tua, dan selalu rendah hati. semua yang terbaik bagimu.

 dan menjadi kebanggaan Ambek Indo' sola kakak kakak, leh..

This ayat firman Tuhan, that Pak Dibyo told me when he wishes me via phone :

Umur panjang ada di tangan kanannya, di tangan kirinya kekayaan dan kehormatan.
Amsal 3:16,

Thank you Pak Wahab, Mas Ajie, Pak Dibyo,  Pak Ilwan, Stevie Kuyus Engke , Sihombing , Prima, Sela, Vivi, Jenny,Pujita  Danius for all the well wishes for me,

Tuhan Yesus memberkati kita semuanya, 

 Karya Stevi Lenda Laepasa, since when pulak aku punya kumis macam tikus.. hahah
komek komek betul la si Engke ni.. hihiii
Well wishes from them :

i can guess, Sihombing gk mandi, thats why Prima close his mouth with his hand.. haha... haaa

Photo keluarga ceritanya, Pak Boss, Hasra lagi cuti, Maulidin hold my cake, haha tinggal sebagiannya.  kebersamaan kami dah lebih dari 2 taun.

Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, Engkau menempatkan mereka dalam hidup saya,

                    Happy birthday from Mark Zurkerberg and his team, hahaha
i didnt publish public my birthday date on facebook, cuz i dont really like when people wish me, and i also only wish people if i want to, for some reason ya..
not just like, HBD.. apa lah.. ngekk.. hhe..hee

ok, enough ya,
More story coming leh,

Thanks for reading,
God bless.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Syukur PadaMu ya Tuhan...

Anneong Haseyo!!
Diberkati untuk memberkati,.
My prayer that im never change since im student, “God bless me, I want  my family and relatives see me success reach my dream and share my happiness and blessing to them. Amen!
My dream of course be success! Hahaha.. im not success yet, but Puji Tuhan im now working and able to help my parent, kalo ada lebih also sent money to my Grandmama in Toraja pake alli deppa sola bale bolu… ^^
Just few weeks to go and im turning to 25th, WTF! Am so tua.. haha,
When im flashback my life im so thankfull for what God done in my life.
Im grateful for all the good and bad thing that happened, I know all the thing came to my life with God permission, and if God allow it there is reason behind that, what I know, God never let me alone, never!
Im blessed!
Thank you My Lord.
Im young and I had to learn so much thing, im grateful God put some great people around me, bukankah itu suatu anugerah? But God also put some toxic people. Hahaa… ngekk! Surrounded by toxic people something yang I hate, the toxic people I mean that those who don’t know how to treat people nice.. kita gk juga minta diperlakukan istimewa just be nice, I think its not the hard thing to do, is simple la.. tapi the fact, entah la.. bla.. blaa.. blaaaa… #forget it!

And 2 months ago, my adik officially join with me, working in Sago.. Praise The Lord, terima kasih Tuhan, semua karena kasih dan anugerahMu.
Itu aja update dari saya. Hehee..
On 29 Sept 2015, was my special day! thank you God, it has been a year!
Love you my oppa *winkk winkk.. he.heee