
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Salam Eid Mubarak.

 peeps, focus on me, not the man behind me ya i didnt realize someone in my back, cuek aja.. fyi, selfie is must thing i done everyday, sorry i mean every time.. hahaa


Im so disappointed! With them..

God, why do u put them in my life?  Too often they treat me like im kid, heloo.. I have heart! Huhuuu.. I just want to crying, but oh well, that’s life. I cannot change them.. hihii tau diri dong, anda siapa mau ubah seseorang,. But I can pick those who I want become part of my life. Ya kann?

So biarkan la mereka…  operator said, ahh sudahlah! hihi

Its fucking hurt when im asking nicely, and they answer me rudely! Damn.. punya hati kan?  Or im the one who asking rude.. hahaa.. dunno la, whatever la!

Life must go on!

Thanks God for giving me strong heart. Hehee… 

We still on Eid Mubarak Celebration kan? How do you celebrate the Hari Kemenangan, I hope u all have great time with family, friends and the love on.

Here I some photo that I taken on 1st day Eid Mubarak in Seruyung, Site tersinta dan tersayangg..

 Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D   #happy face 

Big thanks to Bro Sony, he bringing us special food, of course is so yummy..
buras,, sate,  opor, and i dont know the name makanan yang satu, one one to describe it yummmyy! 
 I got Kue Nastar from tetangga kamar, when i reach mess, i heard the voice " Susan plg udah? ni ada kue.. ohh come here..
and than 5 minutes lagi he knocked my door, and he bringing me Tumbuk (Bugis special food) and ayam rica rica, haleluyah! im blessed..
the coca cola is jatah pak Hot, but he doesnt drink it, so he given me, punya jatah juga dari PBU but i give someone else..
can u read my coca cola? *punya Susan jangan minum.. huaa.. haa.. haa

While my coworker busy take the food, me always selfie first :)
Hasrottt is so kelaparan.. sampe muka masuk kotakan :D

the man behind me, said im so crazy with my camera, but see this photo below :
pura pura lewat belakang, padahal mau ikut poto.. 
itu memang Danau Toba,, hidup penuh modus :D :D
#i do hope he didnt read my blog.. 
During on Ramadhan, kita semua balik awal 17:30 teng dah keluar, kesempatan poto poto memang something yan mahal.. dan ini adalah kesempatan ber-wefie wefie dengan teman2...
let me introduce them ya : Me, Maulidin a.k. Bapa Muda, Kk Ferlin, Sahasra, And Stevie.

kami sedang mempersiapkan wefie terbaik untuk serta dalam kompetisi Seruyung Selfie and Wefie. kita harus menang... haha
ini Rini who wearing hijab , Stevie And Sist  Mytha..
say something??
ok.. bye! 

My young sister, Mommy and me.. cieee.. senyum dia maniss... ekekeke...

Haloo.. bapak mekanik, its has been a month we didnt meet,bukan? and  i miss you ^^

Salam Eid Mubarak, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
dari saya, Susan Lolo Bua.. ^^

thanks for reading.
God bless us..

Much Love

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy Happy Night


As young lady, ecehhh padahal dah tua pun, im 25 to be, on October I’ll celebrating my birthday. Hahaa

Time running slower please, im still love my 24th hihiii.. I have big dream, dream big work hard, that my motto, but some people disagree with me if I said work hard, they told me, not work hard but working smart.. ok la, kita ikut aja kan.. work hard or work smart is same… intinya karajoooo.. ehh what language is that?

So, I have big dream, I want this.. I want that.. I want to bla.. blaaa and blaa.. blaaa.. hihii

Im sure, im not the only one, banyak kan, and im proud to be dreamer.. cuz im working on my dream, im here to bringing my dream become reality.. just wait I will show what is my dream,  for not, let it be my secret.. dream not to tell, but it for show.. ^^ until I reach my dream,. And im proudly show to the world. Hehee…

I had listening this song, and I cannot stop press buttom replay..

The song I mean is Bejana Mu.

The lyric is :





All the rohani song are beautiful, all the song glory Our God, Jesus Christ, but this song just touch my heart.

Harapan yang sesungguhnya hanya ada pada Tuhan, sometime im wonder if my dream are too big for me, or im afraid that just a dream, wouldn’t become reality, but when I listening this song, it make me forget my fear.

Keep calm and dream on :)

Oyaa… on 12 July 2015, like usually kita ada ibadah raya di Gereja Jemaat Oikumene Seruyung, puji Tuhan ini kesempatan yang luar biasa, kita jemaat dilayani Oleh Rev. Alexander Patrick Nenotek S.Th, and he bringing his team, Sist Christina Simon, Sist Melda and Brother Simeon Simon. Amazing! We are blessed with their ministry..doa kami agar kita masih punya kesempatan untuk beribadah bersama sama...

 Like usually, wefie is the most important thing.. hahaha..,actually kita gk saling kenal, tapi ya semua saudara dalam Tuhan, jadi kita langsung dekat gitu.. hehe

   From three photo above, did u asking, why im always in front? the answer is because im the one who be Tripod.. no tongsis la, so use my hand.. LOL :D i use my baby samsung.. u can see from my photo, we have big smile.. Thanks God. 
Sist Teena, prepared the perjamuan before worship, the worship start on 17:30, and they came early, 17:00 dah on church. they really give their best for God. salute! must learn from them.

The team Anglikan came on Saturday, so only have a night before the worship, latian sebelum ibadah, is must!
beda suasana ibadah malam itu, sangat diberkati.
Terima kasih...

Tuhan Yesus memberkati pelayan nya..

Thanks for reading.

Much Love

Thursday, July 9, 2015

You listen and You Understanding..

                                                        Helooooo ^^ 

Thank you God for all the blessing for me,
I haven’t talking with you for ages on my blog, I miss you My God.
Im now really need someone to talking with, but I have no friend to talking with..
I have but… they are not understanding me, and do I have right to force them to understanding me? No, I don’t have.. ehhh

But with you My Lord, without im tell you what my struggle is, I bet you know. And You are on behind the scene to prepared something for my goodness and for my future.
Lately, im oftenly heard people around me, adalah 2 3 orang saying that im change, ehh I don’t know what their means, im just smile and told them **yaa human is change, of course in this world nothing last forever, is it true?  And ya, im not deny that im change ya, there are reason for that, everything happened have a  reason, it’s a lie when im said *gpp.. hehe
tapi ada juga yang perubahan memang karena udah waktunya berubah, tidak ada alasan.. hehe

Should a human being give you the reason why they change?

Sometime people change because no they have been hurting, disappointed, they just don’t want to tell you why they change its because dia jaga perasaan anda.. hidup kita ni terlalu banyak hal yang perlu kita jaga, perasaan orang lain, and something cuz this thing kita sendiri gk jaga perasaan kita.. hehe
Yaa that’s life, hidup saja sebaik baiknya.
Saya berubah untuk kebaikan saya. Dan masih banyak hal yang perlu saya pelajari..
Satu hal yang sangat penting bagi saya sekarang adalah jadi superwoman.. ahahaa
No.. noo.. the most important for me to do now are tetap setia menjadi pekerja di lading Tuhan,   chase my dream, earn better life to my parent, jadi berkat bagi orang lain, terutama my family..

Focus.  Masa depan menanti untuk diraih.

Oiaa.. today I got long speech from my boss..
Thank you My boss for always remind me, to jaga semua semuanya, as im the only girl dalam Departemen Eng, saya sangat bersyukur my boss my friend selalu mengingatkan, maklumi kita manusia ni, sometime kalo gk kena remind, kena advise kadang lupa dan jadilah yang tidak baik.. 

Thank you Pak Boss.. Thank you My Team.. walaupun kita tadi kena warning jangan main game gegara playboy kena caught playing COC dalam ruangan, kita kena warning! Hihiiii
I want to laughing when I see My boss standing behind back Pak Dens, whithout he realize maybe ada 3 minutes my  big boss watching he playing COC, suddenly ada voice “ You stop playing it or I warning you” barulah satu ruangan tersadar Pak Boss kita ada hihiii..  that’s a truly awkward moment.. well, tomorrow and selanjutnya hp harus di simpan di radius aman. No game, no bbm, no facebook, no tango!

when i see Pak Dens, me laughing and he also laughing, my boss lagi lebih kencang laughingnya, cuz thats just a awkward moment, LOL!  

Today we have much laughing. 

 #share some photo yaaa ^^
                                        why my gigi like cangkul? so big +_+

                  Si Kuyus and si Endutt... perfect la tu kan.. hihiiii

                                           once more ya Wefie nyaa.. heeheee...

# and i miss this man so much  -__-

                                                            ohhh... (:

This is just beautiful day!.
Thank you My God…
I love you..
Thanks for reading.
Much love