
Monday, December 8, 2014

Ya... Life is funny

Stevie, Susan, Pak Arissandi, Faura, Pak Dibyo, Pak Dony, and Ambe' Salmon.

Im exhausted. Saya capek :(
If  you heard this word  *life*, what is the first thing cross on your mind??
If me, funny! Yaa.. hidup itu lucu...

Sebentar tertawa sebentar menangis, satu kata bisa menyakitkan hati.. dan sebuah senyuman bisa membuat bahagiaa... sebuah sapaan apa kabar, halo bisa membuat hari kita ceria, dan sebuah pesan panjang bisa merusak suasana sehari..

Hal yang paling lucu lagi, 10 kebaikan bisa dilupakan dengan muda tetapi satu kesalahan akan di ingat sepanjang masaa.. stupidd!! Yaa.. so stupid but that the fact in life.
btw, I slept  so late last night, and i only slept 3 hours, i know thats not good for health but my mind and my eyes wont  stop working... huuhuuuu....

If i had to answer a question, that asking me when was why bad night, i’ll answer last night would be,. Something happend, and that smack me down, im should go to slept on 21 : 30 P.M, but there is something happened and it smack me down, i cant sleep, i run to Base Control room, and trying to get busy, what i did was decorated Base Control room.
In Base Control there is my friend who working on night shift, Sihombing, and he help me..

Here my story for last night....

 who is this? Oppa loh :) he help me carry  my tote bag.. and the white plastic on his hand is his snack.. and bought me a silver queen last night, hee..ehhh thank you Oppa.
i use this photo as my DP on BBM, he bm-ing and said kaya pemulung... :)
and the man those have big tummy behind Oppa is Pak Andarias, and he is the one who suit to be Santa Clause kan, he have kantong ajaib.. hohohh..
this photo taken last night,  when our meeting panitia natal selesai.

kerja keras tauu dekorasi nya niii..  majat mejasoalnya :)

Sihommm... potoin aku :)
Ini idea nya Sihom. minta potonya di atas meja, biar ballon2 di plafon keliatan.. kita as model ikut jee :)   

 Sihombing. lucky la on that night, radio tidak crowded, if crowded he wouldnt able to help me.

we start decorating on 22 : 07 and it finished on 24 : 03... the reason why im slept late, but im happy last night. :)
pengalaman taun kemarin natal di site juga, sama skali no suasanan natal, sepiii dari suasana natal, natalnya kerasa cuman saat natal Jemaat Oikumene Seruyung, im learning from the past,  i wont it happend  again, and God listen my wish, and He touch Pak Hotdin's heart to being sponsor.. ekekekee... so happy! thank you Pak Hotdin, God bless you more...

but guess what, every person who entered basecontrol room, the must question their asking is, siapa ultah? and ini taman kanak kanak, parahnya lagi ada staff yang bilang ini tempat PAUD!! hooo... hooo.. and i answering them, *this is merry merry christmas laaa :)

And these photo taken in Gereja Jemaat Oikumene Seruyung, dalam rangka persiapan natal.
saya excited soal dekorasi dekorasi ni.. maka saya pun rela berdiri di atas kursi untuk hias pohon natal yang besarrrrrrrrr...


thank you for reading.

God bless

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