
Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Number Lho :)


Happy Sunday!

Today is the day where we as Christian going to church to worship and hope you guys go and worship Him with all your heart.

So, today I would like to announce that I’m officially change my phone number..

I have been using my phone number since 2006, and last night I change it..

Truth to be told, this is one of the hardest decision for me to decided.. hee

Tukar…gak..tukar…gak..tukar…gak….change or not.. yes or not…not or yes..yessss!
my old number,,, thank your for being my loyal friend for 8 years.. i would never forget pur journey :)

Thank your for your dedication foo 8 years, I would never forget our journey :)

Maklum am the person yang malas gonta ganti number, and am still using Telkomsel, Kartu AS, it said smart people choice Kartu AS, he.hee not smart but economic! Sent 1 message got 10 free sms…

And another story..

Last night when I was resting in my bedroom, my officemate coming to took her book, I have borrow her book, My Stupid Boss, ouwee… I couldn’t imagine if I have boss like Bossman, soooo miserly and so stupid but funny…

My officemate that I mean is Miss Liea..

So, when we are talking .. and curhat curhat…. biasa la pompuan kann semuaa di cerita, *_*

she look at my wall, (my wall full of decoration, and colorful) :

And saying :

*kau orangnya tertutup…

*memilih dalam berteman… hanya mau dekat ma yang buat kamu nyaman..

*menanggung beban.. and your hard to crying but when u crying is mean that ur burden is really heavy…

*your pretending to be strong, but the truth is no (exactly true, no matter how heavy my burden, how biggos my problem, I never show to people)

And much more…..

That’s true.

So easily for her to read me.. she study Psychology, so no wonder la if she know how to *read* people.

Am not perfect. And I don’t need to be perfect cuz being I am is enough, I have bless life, health family, good job and I live in miracle.

Miss Li is the good partner to share problem, she did not solve problem, but help to find the solution.

I never worry what people wanna talking about me, what people gonna saying, and how they gonna treat me, what I worry are :

I worry if I couldn’t make my life meaningful,

if I couldn’t full my dream

if I couldn’t make my parent proud having me.

If I couldn’t be the good example to my sibling..

And I couldn’t be blessing to them.

But thank you to God, all the thing that I worry is never happened. So me worry for nothing.


Thank u for reading.

God bless

Friday, April 4, 2014

Thank You God. I'm Blessed.


olaa.. anneong haseyo!!

life is struggle, life is blessing and life will be wonderfull if you know how to be thankful and how to spend your time, and with whom u should spend it. *am deserve for standing applause here : ) :)

so, talking about my life, one word could describe me is amazing! ku hidup dalam mukjizat.
well, i have watching in tv, a priest speech and He said *those day if you talking about miracle, people will laughing on u, why? cuz they did not believe if the miracle still happening. but for me it's still there as long as i believe...  and of course the only God could make it. 

oea.. i wanna ^^
currently am working in mining, ciee tambang emas.. hahaa 
and living far from my family.. Oyeaa am a big girl! could standing on my own foot is a sesuatuu and am proud of my self.

tau la kan kalo kita kerja, is not always make us happy.. jangankan senang senyum aja something it become the hardest thing to do. 
and you must be smart to cover your sadness behind ur smile.. oh God!
aku udah pernah rasakan hal itu dan it really hurt. gk enak la pokoknyaa...
tapi bersyukur skali kalo aku alami hal itu tapi masih bisa bertahan, yes i'm alive.
so, maybe u wonder how do i live right now, if i have problem with whom i share.. if i have trouble with whom i asked to help me find the solution.. i told u now, i share with some of my friends, and God!
God is my Holy Father... i know he test me just to make me stronger but sometime i complain cuz the test he given is hard.. hehe

and saya juga bukan manusia yang baik.. saya slalu mengeceawakan.. menjengkelkan.. banyak cincong, sometime i talking too much.. kadang si diam jugaa.. so depends on la, kalo banyak kerjaan ya diem aja,.. and i never blame my self.. kalo gak bisa ya try.. if fail try.. if fail again, i give it try once more... sampai i success doing it, and  i never stop learning... 
for me as long as am young.. akk akkkk i should develop my self... my knowledge... gain as much as possible experience and be the best of my version.
i told u once, am not good person but i try to be the best.. i did not force my self but i told my self we can be the best.
Bisa menjadi yang terbaikkk selama ada kemauan dan keinginan and action, do not talking only la... okk

#my curhat is so ambu radulll.. pembahasan dari utara ke timur.. hahaa
so, my rest time was finished and i should continue kerjaaaa... :)

newest pictures from me and people around me.. 

i have super flawless skin??? hell no, haha.. big thank to Camera 360.
am working and asked my officemate to snap my picture.. ok am working! not facebooking..
my boss just return from field break.. and asked us to taking picture with him.. narsis pak Sam!
                     not only Pak Sam, but also my boss Mr. Tom and crew base control...

This is Miss Perlin Bubun..  Grade Control Clerk...
Operatorr.... this picture taking while we did P5M... me standing front of them.. 

terima kasih udah baca...

hidup adalah perjuangan.
lakukanlah yang terbaik. jadilah berkat buat orang lain.

salam from Seruyung!