
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Back to work!


Back to work!
Olla Seruyung, I Miss you, thats why im back! heuuu....

Heiii... happy happy working, there is no reason  not to be happy,

                                                                                first day working,go to work on 6:30 a.m
and hari ke 4 bangunnya jam 6 pagi.. yuckkk!!
slacker :D 


  hhoollaaaa! cute, isnt it?
wearing the bunny hairband, got so many comment, some of them saying you just like ahh... blaa.. blaaaa..

and i told them, i wearing this to make me younger, hahaha
just like a little girl ba, unyu unyu, Jappaness said kawaii lho :D
The man yang sadar camera is Hasra, so stress cuz Pak Boss and Prima on leave and he is the one who handled all the data, if boss request data, Hasra will prepared for it, thats why even angkat kepala pun dah gk mampu :D :D

 Kerja keras demi masa depan.. hehe

 Selesai ibadah Minggu, slalu wefie.. Ambek Salmon Lebang, Pak Djend, Theofilus, Stevie Lenda..

Hidup harus slalu penuh sukacita, hhee.. gampang si ngomongnya, but if we have problem our face become kecut :P

Yeayyy... Christmas just around the corner, smua pasti sibuk dengan persiapan, paling sibuk pasti di dana, hahaha.. money is just the hardest thing to earn, agree?
Puji Tuhan, salah satu tugas ibu sekertaris done. buat undangan Natal,
maybe some of you lagi nyari contoh undangan Natal,  mungkin bisa dijadikan inspirasi kartu undangan yang saya buat... hhe.. hehe
 Simple aja, semua poto poto bisa diambil di Google..saya buat pake photoscape.
super easy, anak SD pun can make it...

dah bisa buat percetakan undangan i think, heehee... why dont you give amen to my words eh? :) :)

Photo Natal tahun 2014, so cute la this undangan Natal.. yang buat komek komek LOL
What do you think? kira ok juga kan.. hehe 
the last, jangan lupa berdoa untuk semua persiapan Natal, kiranya Tuhan Yesus memberikan kita kesehatan dan memenuhi segala kebutuhan kita,
all your afford and work hard without prayer are useless.

ok, lets make our Christmas simple, no need to spend so much money for it, but if you have much ok la, and dont forget to share your blessing with your relatives, neighbor those need it.

                               i miss this man so badly, Anjas Ganego <3 <3 <3
                 this morning he bbm-ing me, sent very sweet words, hha.. haa.. 

i think someone just trying to be Oppa Korean yang romantis dan so sweet, hahaha 

he currently on leave, and in lately, we got so much thing to debating,.. huhu
 but still i miss him.. hee
Terima kasih udah baca,

Salam Kasih,
Susan Lolo Bua,

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kurre Sumanga


Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus untuk semua kebaikan yang Engkau berikan dalam hidup saya.

 Terima kasih untuk kedua orang tua saya,
I love you both..

 have a big smile on your face, thats just sign you're happy. Thank you Lord, im a happy girl.

                        Choclate, birthday present from Engke, my close friend. Makasih Stev, Tuhan Yesus memberkatimu lebih ya..


         Dear God, thank you for sending this Man into my life, My Oppa A,
i believe Your time to make us become one, will come.

Oppa, thank you for your love, your kindness, and your caring.
im just blessed having this talented man in my life,
Christmas just around the corner ya, and Oppa was blessed to being a part of  Christmas Worship  In our Gereja Oikumene, they start to having rehearsal, May God bless you more oppa.
This year we have Pak Leo as our mentor,
and this photo was taken a year ago, same story behind the photo, im accompany Oppa having rehearsal.


Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, untuk kesempatan berkarir dengan si adek bungsu, since SD, SMP, kerja seragam yang sama.. hehe, Pisahnya cuman di SMA..
Lindungi dan berkati kami ya Tuhan, agar bisa menjadi saluran berkat buat keluarga dan orang lain.

 terima kasih,
Tuhan Yesus memberkati..
Salam Kasih,

Monday, October 26, 2015

Promise, every monday...


So, promise ya every Monday I’ll updating my blog, ada atau gk adanya cerita cerita, pokok eh update blog. And then share the link in my facebook account, after that got comment, waa still active blogging leh? Hahaa…

I have been blogger since 2008, and if I want to stop now, uhhhhh *i'll never stop lho!

so, Natal udah mulai ya.. suasana Natal gitchuu..
like me la kan, every year i think im the most excited girl in this world to welcoming December, and guess what im done?
me already set my computer  wallpaper use Rudolf and Snow, hehe

and Puji Tuhan, this year still kena bagi tugas kepercayaan untuk menjadi sebagian dalam ladang Tuhan, previous year saya Bendahara, and this year saya Sekretaris, Sekretaris tidak aktif,  hahahaa.. im laughing when someone told me about  this, tuingg! 
tapi kan itu kemarin bulan Okt, and now Now, im activate la! im trying to give the best, ok.. and support me la, im still anak yang kemerah merahan dalam hal ini, you got my mean? yes, good then..

beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya juga diberi kepercayaan untuk mendesain undangan Natal Gereja, na itulah yang saya gunakan untuk tahun ini, not creative oh kan?
im still searching for new idea, cuz the time doesnt enough so saya copy aja yang udah pernah ada, and here the proposal i create, the cover only, isinya Copy Paste, hhe.. hee.. he

for some reason, very sorry, cannot display the PT's name, enough Jres kan? any clue, where im working? ehhh

 and here, in the end of my working time, sempatkan diri buat projek, 
when i was student i really want having lappy, but not lucky enough, only flashdisk im afford to buy, and today im working, im blessed, having  PC and Lappy, but that not mine, pinjammm :D :D

still many thing to prepared, for now musician udah start  rehearsal, dana udah sebagian ada, dan bantu dalam doa agar semuanya berjalan dengan baik, dan semua team panitia diberikan kesehatan yang baik, kebijaksanaan dalam mengatur segala sesuatu, kedamaian dan kerendahan hati dalam mengatur dan membuat segalanya sesuai rencana, cuz this is a big event, we can say so kan? sure, akan banyak hal2 yang eh.. ehh.. *dont know how to say that.

will give you more update, 
enough ya for tonight.
Have a nice dream everyone.


Tuhan Yesus menyertai kita semua..
salam kasih,