
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Firmoo Optical

Shalom.. ! how are you doing guys? hope fine yaa.. life treat you good as he treat me :)
today, am so excited, cuz there is "someone" want sponsor my blog, He will send me their product, but before the stuff arrived on my hand, i want tell you about this,
i was checked their website, click here to go there , they glasses is so awesome, i love all the glasses model, they are stylish, pokoknya cocok deh buat smua orang...
naa, kemarin lagi facebookan, aku baca iklannya, mereka nyari blogger from over world, buat review produknya itu..yaa, aku langsung deh ke blognya.. and send email ke yang bersangkutan... 
tadi pas ngantor, buka email udah di balas...!
buat kalian yang mau review juga, bisa tu.. kirim aja email ke
yuk... have sneaking peek glasses nyaa...!
this is for women... so girly & cute!


and this is for men..

I want this! :)

masih banyak lagi.. kalo mau berminat silakan ke webnya yaa... ini laman facebooknya!
ok.... byee.. byee!!  
God bless 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Lolobua!

 Happy. birthday... happy birthday! happy birthday!!
Makasi buat kuenya :P :P *hasil rampokon dengan motif sengaja

Shaloom.... Salama!
hii... pejam celik pejam celik! waa.. this is 2012 la!! time is rocketing! Happy birthday my dearest blog...! my address blog is weird, i use my surname ;p why do i use my surname?
biar enak dikenal gituu ;). i have been blogging since 2008, and i got a lot of experience..!
i created my blog cuz* Mr. Rajabi, S.Pd my teacher asked us to created a blog, its about lesson at school, and i created one for me, and until now i'm still active here.. what i can say about blogging, is.. Fun and best!
so guys, if you have no blog yet, why don't you create one,its easy... ya very easy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tempel Muka Di Tembok

New..New.. And New! feel excited cuz today i can edit my blog, make it look more kawaiiiii ;p
yaa, its pretty tired si, tapi sesuailah ma hasilnya, gk ngecewain.. see! my blog is cute! the most i like here is my header, she is Korean! *naa.. jadinya Korea Fever! did you know, mau edit blog itu gk gampang, butuh waktu yang lama, dan harus kesana kemari nyari tutorial! jadi, kalo mau edit blog harus ada waktu yang tepat, jangan mau edit trus ada gangguan, confirm blog jadi ancurr.. sehancur muka Sule ;p *issss..
out of topic.................!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Kau Sombong,! Gk Teman....

Right_ the girl who texted me ;)

Hii. Shalom!
Alohaa.. where you have been Susan? Dont't tell me that now you getting lazy to update your blog? Hi..Susan are you still blogger?? yaa..yaa..ya! i'm not go anywhere, i'm just busy in this month, that's why im never update my blog anymore...and no, am not lazy update my blog, i've been blogger since 2008, kalo skarang udah malas, ehh takde makna *orang Melayu! yes, op koz am still blogger...!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hater & Not Be Liked!

Hii.. did you ever feel like you want escape from this world?  you wish if you could terbang or ditelan ma bumi gitu? did you? what say you... dunia yang kejam atau orang orangnya..
sometime i wonder, i never kacau orang but why people keep kacau me.. mereka gk punya perasaan   apa?
atau punya perasaan tapi perasaan like a animal wild! rawww...


 if you says you are hardworking person, read these message 1001 times!